We must Know the value of each day that we receive. It's not to be wasted. If you want to make use of it well then the first step you need to take is finding out of your true self that includes who you are, what is the reason behind your life, what is the purpose that needs to be achieved in lifetime, what is your value and so on.
Where can you find the answer of all these questions?
You can only find them from the highest source of teaching which is religion.
Do you know what religion really means?
Do you know why religion ever started?
The answer behind your existence can't be resolved by the teachings of the world be it motivational, scientifical, ethical, psychological etc. Teachings which are from the world will be buried along with the end of the world. What remains is the true teaching of God that the "word of God" offers.
Know your own self through the word and then will one day know how to use each minute, hour, day, week, month and year that you receive. Get it on for the search before it's too late.